Standards in tourism- summary of the 2nd International Conference organised in Georgia

Tour Operators and Destination Management Companies (DMC) On the 18th of February, the 2nd International Online Conference organised by Teona Nemsitsveridze, the Head of Standard Committee of the Georgian Tourism Association (GTA) and Founder of Destination Management Company, took place in Georgia. To briefly introduce, Georgia is an emergent tourism destination in the Caucasian region, at the intersection between Eastern… Leggi tutto »Standards in tourism- summary of the 2nd International Conference organised in Georgia

Mulino del Ronzone: a cultural revival in Leonardo Da Vinci lands

In Vinci, a town in the outskirts of Florence, thanks to the cultural association SUONAMIDITE Onlus, a significant project is blooming: the Mulino del Ronzone, Art and Music Production Centre as a coworking residential site. Already restructured and refurbished with low-environmental construction systems, it is located in lands that used to be owned by Ser Piero’s family in the 1600’s… Leggi tutto »Mulino del Ronzone: a cultural revival in Leonardo Da Vinci lands

Born in Italy, European Riders is the first European compilation to make a tribute to West Coast style

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European Riders is a street compilation created by True Life: a well-known Italian brand that has been working for years to promote Rap/West Coast style through events, music and fashion line that has become the role model for Italy and the Latin world: True Life Clothing. The compilation is the first-ever in its genre and contains some of the most… Leggi tutto »Born in Italy, European Riders is the first European compilation to make a tribute to West Coast style

COVID-19 marketing trends for ‘the new normal’ in the Hotel Industry

It is now more important than ever to make the guests’ journey as satisfying, enjoyable and safe as possible, including ranking the competitors while having more success within the market and new trends. Hence hoteliers need to reassure people during the pre and booking process, starting with an effective hotel marketing approach. To explain, hotel marketing is an umbrella term… Leggi tutto »COVID-19 marketing trends for ‘the new normal’ in the Hotel Industry

Mental Health: How companies can support homeworkers during the Lockdown

Positive mental health has become extremely important for an organisation, and the promotion of a healthy work environment impacts employees performance and work-related well-being.  Therefore, what happens if an unexpected event breaks through the company management? After the severe acute respiratory syndrome 2 (SARS-CoV-2) outbreak in late December spreading in every country, it has altered livelihood generating psychological consequences. According… Leggi tutto »Mental Health: How companies can support homeworkers during the Lockdown

Natural Beauty Treatment, from Zoifytà the new range products for face and body

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From the love for Nature and its bond, in the heart of Abruzzo, the brand Zoifytá was born. The project began almost ten years ago thanks to the spouses Maurizio and Rita Tortoreto. Today, with the collaboration of Sara Nicolai, her son and his future wife –Ismaele di Carlo and Roberta D’amico– have shaped the small craftsmanship into a national… Leggi tutto »Natural Beauty Treatment, from Zoifytà the new range products for face and body

Covid19 Tech Trends: how hospitality and tourism industries are changing

Technology in the tourism field has always been disruptive, recently it has increased its implementation. Contact-less communications, the Internet of Things (IoT), and artificial intelligence (AI) have developed to be at the forefront of the future post-pandemic. Therefore, as we all know, tourism is a dynamic sector where political, economic and social factors can determine a destination, service or product.… Leggi tutto »Covid19 Tech Trends: how hospitality and tourism industries are changing

Music alongside the fight against the Asbestos Mesothelioma disease

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In Italy despite the law 257 of 1992, which has prohibited the extraction, import, processing or use of the asbestos, there are still 40.000.000 tons of materials containing it, and about 1.050.000 sites and microsites of national interest are still waiting to be reclaimed. The Sicilian rapper Picciotto has been committing himself for years to the social problem of asbestos… Leggi tutto »Music alongside the fight against the Asbestos Mesothelioma disease

Can digital really replace the traditional fashion week?

On February 2020, with the initiative “China, we are with you”, CNMI enabled more than 25 million people to virtually attend the “Fall/Winter 2021 Milan Women’s Fashion Week”, launching the first digital version of the popular fashion week. Believe it or not, it was not unpredictable the announcement of the “Spring/Summer 2021, men’s and women’s pre-collections” with the same digital concept.… Leggi tutto »Can digital really replace the traditional fashion week?

​What is Agile and why It’s not a Methodology

Even though people have explained the term Agile in a complex, wrong and confusing way, it is rather synonymous with simplicity. Its methodology sets specific procedures and rules, in which Agile relies upon its agility and flexibility. So, it is clear that to define Agile as a simple methodology is incorrect or reductive. Agile does not advise how to work… Leggi tutto »​What is Agile and why It’s not a Methodology

​How motion design can increase awareness in Marketing

We often have heard of ‘motion design‘ in some job descriptions, but what is really about? Why has motion design become a key-skill for a digital designer? First, it is significant to mention that motion design applies graphic design principles to film-making and video production using animation and visual effects. There can be some confusion about this format, but it… Leggi tutto »​How motion design can increase awareness in Marketing