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How to prevent back pain while working from home

Lumbago or commonly called back pain or lower back pain is derived from symptoms that involve nerves, muscle, the spine, discs or ligaments. Back pain can affect everyone at any age, but the older, the more chances to be affected are high, as the process of osteoporosis may also lead to increasing the problem.

The pain may be intensified when working in a certain position for several hours, and it may also be caused by an injury, such as strain, or while working from home where the office- set up is not ergonomically appropriate.

What type of prevention can help mitigate back pain?

If on one hand working from home can bring many positives, for example, by enhancing better work-life balance, working with our pet next to us, and wearing comfortable clothes. On the other hand, not having the right home-office can also cause mental health problems (for more information check the article on how companies can help home workers during the lockdown) along with not having the right orthopaedic chairs, equipped desk or an ergonomic workstation can pose serial challenges.

Indeed, working with the laptop sitting on the couch may be comfortable at first, however, this may lead to soreness of muscles, the spine or joints in the long term. In order to prevent these issues, making the right changes to your routine may lead to immediate relief. 

Considering that working from home will be the norm, Nuffield Health last year suggested maintaining good physical health through simple but efficient exercises. Including, Yoga and Pilates also help to maintain a good physical and healthy body.

Additionally, Julie Larson added that the proper posture can alleviate the stress from the neck and elbows, this includes postural changes and taking regular breaks. Let’s discover four ways to prevent back pain while working from home.

4 ways to avoid back pain

1- Yoga and Pilates: help your strengths and posture

Yoga and pilates are meant to help posture and reduce back pain. The musculoskeletal in which joints are moved in a full range of motions, releasing the tension, stiffness and increasing endurance and strength. 

To know more about their benefits Better Health may give you a full explanation.

2- Start your day with a stretching session 

These two exercises may be worth trying to feel comfortable on your back, neck and shoulders.

Child pose: with hands and knees on the ground sink back to the hips and rest them on the heels, hold the pose for 1 minute. This posture may help to release the lower back while lengthening the muscle of the upper back and shoulders.

Side bends: while standing brings your hands on the side of each leg for 10 seconds, going as far as you can until feeling a bit of discomfort.

3- Take regular breaks to stay active

Take a break from your position or desk to improve blood circulation to muscles. Osteopath Hugo Firth states that “a holiday for postural muscles means a break from the day to day and giving them fresh nutrients as often as possible. Take regular exercise. Try and work 30 minutes of exercise into your week to get the blood pumping around your body. Cycling, running, swimming, walking – they’re all low-cost ways of achieving this. Try, if you can, to incorporate them into your working day”.

By keeping your body in movement, allowing the blood to flow, resting not only your posture and joints but also your eyes, for example. Taking also a walk may allow your legs to keep the movement and help the vision to restore from the screen. Even five minutes of workouts help maintain blood and muscle activity.

4- Keep hydrated your body while working from home

Keeping up your water intake can be difficult with your busy schedule. Muscle and skin hydration is very important to keep the body concentrate. Therefore, filling the glass of water in the morning and keep it closely helps to remind us to drink and refill it throughout the day.